What is Laser Tattoo Removal?

Laser tattoo removal is a medical procedure that uses laser technology to break down the pigments in a tattoo, allowing the body's natural processes to gradually remove the tattoo ink. The procedure is primarily performed by trained medical professionals in specialized clinics.

It's important to note that while laser tattoo removal can be effective, complete removal of a tattoo is not always guaranteed. Factors such as the tattoo's age, colors, size, ink composition, and individual skin characteristics can influence the outcome. Some tattoos may only lighten rather than fully disappear. Additionally, there may be some risk of scarring, skin discoloration, or other side effects, which is why it's crucial to have the procedure performed by a qualified and experienced professional.

What is the Laser Hair Removal Process?

1. Consultation: Before the treatment, a consultation is typically conducted to assess the tattoo's size, color, depth, and the individual's skin type. The tattoo removal specialist will determine the number of sessions needed and discuss any potential risks or side effects.

2. Laser Treatment: During the procedure, a high-powered laser device emits short pulses of intense light energy that specifically target the tattoo pigments. Different wavelengths of lasers are used depending on the colors present in the tattoo. The laser light passes through the outer layer of the skin (epidermis) and gets absorbed by the tattoo pigments in the deeper layers of the skin (dermis).

3. Pigment Fragmentation: When the laser light is absorbed by the tattoo pigments, it heats and breaks them down into smaller fragments.

4. Immune System Response: The body's immune system recognizes these fragmented tattoo pigments as foreign substances and gradually eliminates them from the body through the lymphatic system.

5. Multiple Sessions: Complete tattoo removal usually requires multiple treatment sessions, typically spaced several weeks apart. The number of sessions varies depending on factors such as tattoo size, ink colors, depth, and individual skin response.

6. Aftercare: After each laser treatment, patients are usually advised to follow specific aftercare instructions, which may include avoiding sun exposure, using ointments, and keeping the treated area clean.


IPL Laser


Radiofrequency Body & Facial Contouring/Lipo Laser/Ultrasonic/3D Vacuum Head+RF