Plasma Rich Plasma

PRP is a substance that’s thought to promote healing when injected. Plasma is a component of your blood that contains special “factors,” or proteins, that help your blood to clot. It also contains proteins that support cell growth. Researchers have produced PRP by isolating plasma from blood and concentrating it. At MD Medical Spa we do advance hair treatments and facials with PRP technology.

PRP Facial

One of our medical professionals performing the procedure first isolates protein-rich plasma and platelets from a drawn blood sample to create PRP. A platelet-rich plasma facial involves applying a sample of the PRP to the face after micro-needling or microdermabrasion.


PRP Hair Restoration

One of our highly-skilled Registered Nurses draws a sample of blood (6 vials) and spins it in a centrifuge to separate out fibrin and platelets. The P.R.P is injected into balding areas to help foster collagen production and stimulate new hair growth. Up to 6 treatments are recommended one month apart. New hair typically begins to grow up to 6 months after final treatment with up to 25% hair growth.

PRP Hair Restoration

Treatment in action!



  • PRP or platelet-rich plasma is made by processing your own blood in a centrifuge. Many scientific articles have shown that PRP increases hair count, hair thickness, and the growth phase of the hair cycle.

  • Anyone who is experiencing hair loss is a good candidate for PRP Hair Restoration. Especially, if you are looking for a non-surgical alter

  • One of our highly skilled Registered Nurses will draw a sample of blood (6 vials) and spin it in a centrifuge to separate out fibrin and platelets. The platelet-rich plasma is injected into balding areas to help foster collagen production and stimulate new hair growth. Up to 6 treatments are recommended one month apart. New hair typically begins to grow up to 6 months after final treatment with up to 25% hair growth.

  • There is no downtime, but you should not wash your hair for 24 hours and keep your head out of direct sunlight for a week.

  • It varies per person, but 6 treatments a month apart are recommended. It is recommended to maintain results with 2 treatments a year.

  • A typical treatment takes an hour. This includes the drawing of spinning of blood in a centrifuge. Your first treatment may be a bit longer to include a consultation and filling in medical forms.

    PRP works to improve hair caliber and hair growth requiring repeated treatments once a month for 3-6 months. On average, however, most patients will require their repeat PRP treatment after 6-12 months in order to maintain the hair growth effects.

  • Because PRP therapy involves injecting your own blood into your scalp, you aren’t at risk for getting a communicable disease. Still, any therapy that involves injections always carries a risk of side effects such as:

    • Injury to blood vessels or nerves

    • Infection

    • Calcification at the injection points

    • Scar tissue

    There’s also the chance that you could have a negative reaction to the anesthetic used in the therapy. If you decide to pursue PRP therapy for hair loss, let your doctor know in advance about your tolerance to anesthetics.


Microtox Facial with PRP


IV Infusions & Vitamin Injections